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笔下文学 www.bxwxa.com,最快更新公主变宫女:皇上是猫咪最新章节!

    Starting a new book is a risk, just like falling in love. You have to commit to it. You open the pages knowing a little bit about it maybe, from the back or from a blurb on the front. But who knows, right? Those bits and pieces aren’t always right.


    Sodvertise thehing and then when you get deep into it you realize that they’re sopletely different. Either there was some good marketing attached to a terrible book, or the story was only explained in a superficial way and once you reach the middle of the book, you realize there’s so much more to this book than anyone could have ever told you.


    You start off slow. The story is beginning to unfold. You’re unsure. It’s a big commitment lugging this tome around. Maybe this book won’t be that great but you’ll feel guilty about putting it down. Maybe it’ll be so awful you’ll keep hate-reading or just set it down ind never pick it up again. Or e back to it some night, drunk or lonely — needing something to fill the tier than it was when you first started reading it.


    Maybe you’re worn out. You’ve read tons of books before. Some were just light weights on a Kindle or Nook, no big deal really. Others were Infinite Jest-style burdens, heavy on your back or in your purse. Weighing you down all the time. Maybe you’ve taken some time off from reading because the last few books you read just weren’t worth it. Do they even write new, great works of literature anymore? Maybe that time you fell in love with a book before will just never happen for you again.  a lifetime feeling and you’re never gonna find it again.


    Or soppen. e your new favorite book. That’s always a possibility right? That’s the beauty of risk. The reward could actually be worth it. You invest your time and your brain power in the words and what you get back is eanding and pure wonder.


    How could someone possibly know you like this? Some stranger, some author, some character. It’s like they’re seeing inside your soul. This book existed inside some book store, on a shelf, maybe handled by other people and really it was just waiting for you pick it up and crack the spine. It was waiting to speak to you. To say, “You are not alone.”


    You just want more of the story. You want to keep reading, maybe everything this author’s ever written. You wish it would never end. The closer it gets to the smaller side of the pages, the slower you read, wanting to savor it all. This book is now one of your favorites forever. You will always wish you could go back to never having read it and pick it up fresh again, but also you know you’re better for having this close, inside you, covering your heart and mind.


    Once you get in deep enough, you know you could never put this book down.


    Facing the Sea With Spring Blossoms—HaiZi


    From tomorrow on,I will be a happy man.


    Grooming,chopping and traveling all over the world.


    Frore foodstuff and vegetable.


    Living in a house towards the sea, with spring blossoms.


    From toy dear ones.


    Telling them of my happiness.


    What the lightening of happiness has told me.


    I will spread it to each of them.


    Give a warm name for every river and every mountain.


    Strangers,I will also wish you happy.


    nt future!


    May you lovers eventually become spouses!


    May you enjoy happiness in this earthly world!


    I only wish to face the sea, with spring blossoms.


    I love choices.


    I love to walk around in bookstores-not because I can buy all the books,


    but because I could buy one book, and I have so many to choose from.


    I like buffets.


    I rarely get to go to them, but when I do,


    the first thing I do is walk around and see what the choice are.


    I also like the internet.


    It seems like cyberspace really doesn't have any limits.


    There are so many things to discover--- like space.


    Sometimes, I think we don't appreciate the freedom that we have.


    We are free to e.


    From the food we eat--- to the places we visit--- to the people we sses we take and on and on and on.


    But freedom has dangers. If  be harmful.


    I could pile a d on te and NOT to eat it.


    It would be a waste. But that's a choice I have.


    The Internet has dangers, too.


    If parents are not careful and don't supervise what their kids can see--- well kids can lose soe because of freedom.


    There's a reason for legal age lies to driving, gambling, drinking,somking, andvoting.


    Until we reach that age, we aren't free to do those things.


    Time Off—Vacation


    I haven't had a vacation in a while.


    I think I'll take off soon.


    I'm not sure where I'll go or what I'll do.


    But I can learn a touris go for a long road,


    breathe fresh air and take some nice pictures.


    When I was a kid, I really look forward to vacations.


    Sohe best.


    It was care free time.


    As I became older, and I have to pay for my vacations.


    Planning became important.


    Tiys the big issues.


    After having a family of my own, vacations are ted.


    If I go, my boss to said to when.


    My wife to said to where, and my kids to said how.


    A vacation is supposed to be a time when you get away from work and recharge.


    It's a time to see something new.


    It's a time to extend your horizons, especially if you travel.


    But it's easy for the opposite to happen.


    You can come back from a vacation feeling really tired.


    You can finish a vacation thinking “I can't wait to get back to work.”


    And rather than extend your horizons,


    you might merely dipping your bad.


    Vacations aren't cheap.


    It's been a while since to have a vacation.


    I might take one soon.


    Hi,I’nd I study in xxx y school is ...Every  I get up at seven and have breakfast. And then I go to school at half past seven. Lessons begin at eight o’clock. We have four lessons in the ese is my favourite lesson. We usually have 10 minute's break between two lessons and at about 12 o'clock we finish our  lessons. I have lunch at school at twelve thirty.I like school lunch and I always have rice with ables. After lunch I often talk with y basketball with theernoon lessons start at half past one and finish at four o’clock. I play games after school with my friends and then go host four. In the evening I do my homework and then watch TV. At ten o’clock I go to bed. It’s really a busy day but I like

    A Boy and His Tree

    A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to coround it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow… He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.

    Time went by…The little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree.

    One day, the boy came back to the tree and looked sad. “Coy with me,” the tree asked the boy.

    “I am no longer a kid, I don’t play around trees anymore.” The boy replied, “I want toys. I need o buy them.” “Sorry, but I don’t have  pick all heve money.” The boy was so excited. He picked all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy didn’t come back after he picked the apples. The tree was sad.

    One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited. “Coy with me.” The tree said. “I don’t have tiy. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me?” “Sorry, but I don’t have a house. But you can cut off o build your house.” So the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left happily.

    The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy didn’t appear since then. The tree was again lonely and sad. One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was delighted. “Coy with me!” the tree said.

    “I aing old. I want to go sailing to relax  you give me a boat?” “Use my trunk to build the boat. You can sail and be happy.” So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and did not show up for a long time.

    Finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years. “Sorry, my boy. But I don’t have anything for you anymore. No more apples for you.” the tree said. “ I don’t have teeth to bite.” The boy replied. “ No more trunk for you to climb on.” “I am too old for that now.” the boy said. “I really want to give you so is my dying roots.” The tree said with tears. “I don’t need ce to rest. I am tired after all these years.” The boy replied. “Good! Old tree roots are the best place to lean on and rest. Cose sit down with me and have a rest.” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears…

    This is a story of everyone. The tree is our parent. When we were young, we loved to play with Mom and Dad… When we grow up, we leave thee to them when we need something or when we are in trouble. No matter ys be there and give everything they could to make you happy. You may think that the boy is cruel to the tree but that's how all of us are treating our parents.









    “我很伤心,我开始老了。我想去航海放松自己。你能不能给我一条船?” “用我的树干去造一条船,你就能航海了,你会高兴的。”于是,男孩砍倒树干去造船。他航海去了,很长一段时间未露面。

    许多年后男孩终于回来了。“很遗憾,我的孩子,我再也没有任何东西可以给你了。没有苹果给你……”树说。“我没有牙齿啃。” 男孩答到。“没有树干供你爬。”“现在我老了,爬不上去了。” 男孩说。“我真的想把一切都给你……我唯一剩下的东西是快要死去的树墩。” 树含着眼泪说。“现在,我不需要什么东西,只需要一个地方来休息。经过了这些年我太累了。”男孩答到。 “太好了!老树墩就是倚着休息的最好地方。过来,和我一起坐下休息吧。” 男孩坐下了,树很高兴,含泪而笑……


    The poor are very wonderful people. One evening we went out and we picked up four people from the street. And one of them was in a dition,and I told the sisters: You take care of the other three. I take care of this one who looked worse. So I did for her all that  do. I put her in bed, and there was such a beautiful smile on her face. She took hold of my hand as she said just the words "thank you"  and she died. I could not help but exae[良心]before her and I asked what would I say if I was in her place. And my answer was very sive tried to draw a little attention to ve said I am hungry, that I am dying, I am cold, I am in pain, or something, but she gave me much more-she gave me her grateful love. And she died with a smile on her face. As did that man whom we picked up from the drain[阴沟、下水道], half eaten with worms, and we brought him to the home. "I have lived like an anireet, but I am going to die like an angel, loved and cared for." And it was so wonderful to see the greatness of that man who could speak like that, who could die like that without blaming anybody, without cursing anybody, without comparing anything. Like an angel-this is the greatness of our people. And that is why we believe what Jesus had said: I was hungry, I was naked, I was homeless, I was unwanted, unloved, uncared for, and you did it to me.


    I believe that we are not real social workers. We may be doing social work in the eyes of the people, but we are really contetives[修行者、沉思冥想的人] in the heart of the world. For we are touching the body of Christ twenty-four hours…And I think that in our family we don't need bombs and guns, to destroy, to bring peace, just get together, love one another, bring that peace, that joy, that strength of presence of each other in the home. And we will be able to overcot is in the world.


    And with this prize that I have received as a Prize of Peace, I am going to try to make the home for many people who have no home. Because I believe that love begins at hoe a home for the poor I think that more and more love will spread. And we will be able through this understanding love to bring peace be the good news to the poor. The poor in our own fatry and in the world. To be able to do this, our Sisters, our lives have to be wove with prayer. They have to be woven with Christ to be able to understand, to be able to share. Because to be woven with Christ is to be able to understand, to be able to share. Because today there is so much suffering…When I pick up a person from the street, hungry, I give hite of rice, a piece of bread, I have satisfied. I have removed that hunger. But a person who is shut out, who feels unwanted, unloved, terrified, the person who has been thrown out from society-that poverty is so full of hurt and so unbearable…And so let us always meet each other with a smile, for the sve, and once we begin to love each other naturally we want to do something.
